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No Desire To Fit In....Really? Live Life On Your Terms

Writer's picture: Your Wealth BestfriendYour Wealth Bestfriend

Last week during our Money Monday chat we talked about starting a business.

This week we’re talking about the On My Own Financial, LLC most “liked” post of the week on Instagram. The post said, “I have absolutely no desire to fit in.” So many people seem to identify with this post, and I personally want to know why you like this post and why did it speak to you because it’s definitely not easy to live with this mentality.

When you truly don’t care about what people think or say there’s freedom that comes with that. However, sometimes your mind can be your worst enemy. It’s hard not having a fancy car when everyone around you has one. It is hard battling your brain telling you people are judging you when really it could just be you judging yourself.

We have been programmed to be consumers, I mean I can’t wait for Black Friday and Cyber Monday because that’s when I’m buying all my Christmas gifts but best believe I have a list and a budget.

It’s hard celebrating wins that very few understand, like a 50% savings rate (for those who don’t know this means at the end of the month you’re able to transfer 50% of what you make to your savings or investments). But there is a way train your mind and focus on you and your goals and accomplishments and tune out all the noise.

I just finished writing an article for Business Insider that was triggered by listening to Michelle Obamas podcast. During the podcast, she and President Obama discussed how her family was willing to sacrifice and move in with her great aunt to save money. This is also where she and President Obama lived for a while. Yet, most people in my generation think of moving in with friends and family as a failure. Some want to get out so bad that they are willing to take their money out of their retirement accounts which if invested properly should be earning at least 12% this year and use the money to buy a house which may appreciate 2 to 7% but will cost them so much more money (taxes, insurance, interest and other fees).

In my article, I discuss what caused me to want to be on my own financially and do everything myself. Before realizing that’s not how the generations before us did it (hint, I was trying to check off all the boxes and live for other people). To read the article click here.

Personal finance is PERSONAL to you. Your life, your choices!

I want you to know that there should be strategies to achieve what you want. Be creative to get what you want, the traditional way to obtain a home may not work best for you and your situation. Maybe you stay with family until you can build up an emergency fund and a down payment and buy a duplex with a friend.

It’s important not to check off the boxes and instead surround yourself with like-minded individuals and tools to help you achieve your goals.

Wealth Tip Recommendations:

TIP#1 Personally, I have been loving my Ally savings account (**this not a sponsored post**). Their savings account allows you to put your money in buckets so you can see what you are saving for. For example, if I wanted to save $5000 for Christmas, I am able to see my $5000 goal in January, I know that I need to save $416 a month and every month I can put that amount in the bucket and watch the amount grow. The same goes for saving for all other expenses (vacations, down payments, credit cards, birthday gifts, concerts (after Covid-19) and anything else you want to save for.

TIP#2 If you want an app to help you find money to save, I recommend using Digit (**not a sponsored post**). Digit specializes in analyzing your account to help you save money, without thinking about it. I used Digit in 2016, so I remember it being free but like always times are changing so I believe after 30 days digit charges $5 a month to continue saving for you. Digit is good at his job, almost two good. I remember getting a message that digit had saved a total of $500 and that was just by periodically taking $26 here, $6 there. Try it if you need a push in the right direction.

Back to being different. Two of the biggest expenses in your life are taxes and your housing expenses (even if you are a renter). TIP#3 Sit down and fill out the w-4 to make sure your tax withholdings are correct. TIP#4 Be creative and strategic about housing. The goal is to have more options.

Create a life of options so you never feel trapped. Be true to you! You can always read my story here.

I invite you to share in the comments, what you are doing that sets you apart or makes you different? It might inspire others!

Don’t fall into society’s trap!

Happy Money Monday!


Your Wealth Best Friend

Jala Eaton, Esq, CTFA is an estate planning attorney, fiduciary, and certified trust and fiduciary advisor with a mission to empower people to build and protect their assets through investing and estate planning. The racial wealth gap is the problem and Generational wealth is the goal and the solution. When not advising her clients or talking about money on her blog and Instagram she likes to attend concerts (pre-covid-19) and the private dance parties her daughter holds in their living room.


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Legal disclaimer: On My Own Financial, LLC is a California business. As such, posts, courses, and post responses to posted inquiries, such as the ones above, are limited to their understanding of law in the jurisdiction in which they practice and not to any other jurisdiction. In addition, no response to any posted inquiry should be deemed to constitute legal, financial, or investment advice, nor to constitute the existence of an attorney/client or other contractual or fiduciary relationship. On My Own Financial and On My Own Academy is not an investment firm and does not offer investment advice. 

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