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Three Ways to Invest According to Robert Kiyosaki

Writer's picture: Your Wealth BestfriendYour Wealth Bestfriend

Which one should you pick?

1. Do Nothing

Choosing not to invest either time or money into the subject of money is the primary reason most people struggle financially. Unfortunately, our school systems invest little time or money into the subject of money. (That is one reason why there are more poor people than rich people).

2. Turn Your Money Over to an Expert

Since most people think investing is risky, most people seek safe money strategies, such as saving money, getting out of debt, and turning their money over to people they hope are financial experts. The financial services industry thrives on fear, ignorance, and a lack of financial education. The financial services industry wants you to believe that investing is risky. The less financial education you have, the more fear you have, and the more you want to turn your money over to financial experts. The problem is, many people who profess to be financial experts are not rich people. They are sales people. Their job is not to educate you. They don’t get paid to be teachers. They get paid to sell you what their company wants them to sell you.


3. Invest Your Time Before You Invest Your Money

Most of us are very busy. For many of us, time is more valuable than money. This may be why so many people simply turn their money over to people who they hope are financial experts. Robert Kiosaki (AND On My Own Financial) believe it is smarter to invest time in your financial education before you invest your money. It is smarter to know what a good investment is. It is important to know what good financial advice is and who are smart financial advisors.


On My Own Financial wants you to learn what you need to succeed financially so that you will have something to pass down to future generations. Please consider taking the time to follow us on instagram (@onmyownfinancial) where we educate and empower our followers on financial literacy and estate planning daily. Take our investing education course, and purchase our e-book to learn how to protect your legacy through estate planning.

Jala Eaton, Esq, CTFA is an estate planning attorney, fiduciary, and financial advisor with a mission to help business owners and families build and protect their assets through investing and estate planning. The racial wealth gap is the problem and Generational wealth is the goal and the solution. When not advising her clients or talking about money on Instagram she likes to attend concerts and the private dance parties her daughter holds in their living room.



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